The United Kingdom RagaMuffin Cat Society

President: Allen Wells      Founded 2008      Vice President: Steve Crow

Fundraising for our 1st Safehouse


The UKRMCS undertake rescue and rehoming for RagaMuffins that may be in need. We always try to help and try to find the right home for RagaMuffins entrusted to us however long that might take.

We want to purchase our own cat pen which will be used to house RagaMuffins who might be in need of an urgent temporary home while we search for that perfect ‘forever’ home.

We have somewhere to put a pen when we have raised the funds to buy it. We are hoping that our loyal members and RagaMuffin lovers everywhere would like to support us and help.

Would you like to be part of a build programme and purchase a plank? We are suggesting £5 per plank… please feel free to buy as many planks as you can afford – ask your friends and family to buy planks as well! We would be so grateful and you will all be acknowledged on the Roll of Honour that we are planning.

To pay directly into our Bank, please the the following details:
Account Name: The UK RagaMuffin Cat Society
Sort Code: 30-94-42
Account Number: 11852363
Please note that this is a Business Account.

You can also make a donation via our Paypal account. Please use the ‘friends and family’ option.

Thank you all so much for any help you can give us – it will be so much appreciated!

Over the next weeks we will be organising a public Online Auction and/or Raffle. Details to follow…

If you would like to make a donation, you can send it directly to us via PayPal using the ‘Donate’ button below. Alternatively, you can send a cheque made out to the ‘United Kingdom RagaMuffin Cat Society’ (Please mark the reverse of the cheque ‘Welfare & Rescue’) to our Treasurer, John Cann.