The United Kingdom RagaMuffin Cat Society
President: Allen Wells Founded 2008 Vice President: Steve Crow
NB: ALL of our Registered Breeders are breeding from cats whose lines have DNA tested clear of both PKD and the known Ragdoll HCM gene.
Please use the information below to contact our Registered Breeders and visit their websites. This page will indicate which breeders have Kittens, Young Adults or Retired Breeding cats available, with more detailed information available on the Kittens Page.
Please ensure that, when buying a RagaMuffin kitten, that the GCCF Registration papers of both parents are available that will confirm that the kitten being purchased is an Authentic RagaMuffin and will be able to be correctly registered by it’s breeder.
The price that the UKRMCS recommends our Registered breeders to charge for ‘Pet Kittens’ is between £800 and £850.
Disclaimer: The UKRMCS cannot guarantee that all breeders adhere fully in all criteria so it is imperative the buyer checks that the breeder is adhering to GCCF rules in the sale of kittens and all kittens vaccinations are as specified and have a veterinary health check before going to new homes. GCCF guidelines and all relevant paperwork must be provided at the time of sale.
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