The United Kingdom RagaMuffin Cat Society
President: Allen Wells Founded 2008 Vice President: Steve Crow

Only RagaMuffin breeders who agree to practice under UKRMCS’s high standards are listed on our Registered Breeders list. Each breeder is encouraged to develop a detailed contract, which addresses all aspects of purchasing a RagaMuffin, so that both the buyer and seller are fully aware of their responsibilities. If you have been searching for cat organizations, cat associations, RagaMuffin association or a cat rescue organization; we are a unifying group for all recognized ‘Authentic’ RagaMuffin cat breeders and the “official” group for all those who love RagaMuffin catteries, RagaMuffin cats and RagaMuffin Kittens.
Before she sadly passed away in 2010, Janet Klarmann had this message
for all in the UK: ‘……Speaking both for myself and the RagaMuffin Community, I’d like to convey our pleasure that the RagaMuffin Breed is taking root in the United Kingdom. With the care and nurturing of The UK RagaMuffin Club, it will flourish and prosper, giving those living in the UK the joy of the RagaMuffin Breed!….’
The Committee

Helen Sallows
Chairperson & BAC Delegate

Michelanne Cann
Vice Chairperson, Advertising & Publicity, Kitten List & BAC Delegate

Tracey Archer
Secretary, Joint Show Support, GCCF & BAC Delegate

John Cann
Hon. Treasurer, BAC Treasurer, BAC Delegate, Webmaster

Ellen Camilleri
Calendar Co-Ordinator, Venue Organiser & BAC Delegate

Madge Hirst
Rescue & Rehoming Co-Ordinator & BAC Delegate

Susan Thorpe
BAC Secretary

Georgina Willis
Show Support, Fund Raising and BAC Delegate

Caroline Griffin
Kitten List, GCCF Reserve & BAC Delegate

Elaine Gates
Co-Opted Member, Show Support and Fund Raising